Management & Leadership
“Learn lifelong or quit the game”, the urgency of learning
Patrick Longuechaud, Senior Advisor
Why learning, now ?
The company and its social body are going through a period of profound change at a frantic pace... so much so that the acronym VUCA, so used to describe the world that awaited us, today seems very weak to us in the light of of a topicality that reminds us that nothing is ever certain.
The issue of skills is no exception to this finding: expert reports measuring the impact of the 4th industrial revolution on trades now speak of a “reskilling emergency”.
In addition, the Covid 19 crisis has forced companies to enter into a reflection on the “learning & development” of employees and new ways of carrying it out.
The speed of evolution is such that the question is no longer so much to know what to learn but to be ready to adopt new skills by creating a dynamic of permanent learning.
This is what we call " learning “, namely the set of behaviors and conditions that promote the learning and development of a person, a group, an organization.
The company faces multiple challenges to create the conditions for learning
The company is faced with a double challenge: a societal challenge (developing the employability of its employees) and a survival challenge (ensuring its resilience). However, the path to taking action is often strewn with pitfalls: operating methods and skills, collection efficiency, management, decision-making processes, ability to attract young talent, know-how transmission system, etc.
KeaPrime has built a 360° approach that goes well beyond training programs to act on the development of learning in organizations, by affecting both culture, organization, HR, and management.

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