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Retail & Distribution

How we support our clients

We assist retailers in transforming their businesses, from defining their strategic direction to implementing it successfully. We do this by focusing on three key areas:

  • Growth drivers: identifying and activating the optimal levers for profitable growth (massification, densification, diversification, digitalization, internationalization, etc.) through innovative strategies tailored to each lever.

  • Business model: reallocating investments and operating costs to meet the growing importance of digitalization (downsizing retail space, aggressive e-commerce strategies, adapted supply chain and IT), with a necessary overhaul of the cost structure.

  • Corporate culture: develop a distinctive brand and identity with a strong, customer-focused culture to generate consumer loyalty. The competitive advantage of successful brands will be their human assets.


Kéa, a leading player in retail and distribution consulting

Kéa was founded on the strength of our extensive expertise in this sector. In France, it represents 50% of our sales, along with the FMCG industry. We assist retailers in implementing strategic and operational transformations, and serve clients across the sector, including food retailers, specialized retailers, department stores, luxury goods companies, and investment funds. Our clientele includes industry leaders in each of these market segments. In addition to our expertise in organizational transformation, we offer a comprehensive range of specialized services :

  • Retail & Offer: Brand (brand platform & positioning, operational implementation and own-brand strategy), Distribution (network target diagram, digitalization of stores, new concepts and formats), Offer (collection structuring, pricing & sales policy, category management).

  • Strategic transformation: Development (vision & strategic plans, due diligence & PMI), Digitalization (digital strategy, e-commerce, e-distribution, digital transformation), Internationalization (international strategy, adaptation of operating model)

  • Competitiveness: Network performance (time-to-sale & productivity, working time planning, reduction of out-of-stocks and discounting), Sourcing & Supply (margin improvement plan, time-to-market, overhaul of logistics schemes & inventory / merchandise models), Process & Technology (process optimization, performance of IT projects)

  • Organizational & cultural transformation: Structure (organizational evolution, management model, career frameworks), Commitment & Culture (new management practices, Executive Committee alignment & vision, innovation & leadership), Social.

A strategy only makes sense if it's well executed. At Kéa, we leverage our expertise in transformation to support our customers in their transition from planning to action. Our goal is to align our customers' growth, competitiveness, and management imperatives.

There is a growing consumer demand for products and services that offer a sense of meaningfulness, a trend that has been accelerated by the current economic crisis. In addition to redefining their purpose and the rationale for their store's existence, retailers must reinvent the reasons for their own presence. It is becoming increasingly important to build a store with positive impacts and demonstrate the reality of these impacts. The food industry is facing significant challenges, including a reduction in fossil fuel availability in Europe, a scarcity of agricultural inputs, the need to conserve living soils, and the availability of metals and farmers.

Concurrently, the logic of territory is gaining precedence over that of massification, size, and the specialization of players. Territories and living areas are now the units to be conceptualized and managed, in which new circular economy ecosystems will inevitably emerge.

Superstores are no exception to the hybridization trend, as they are transforming into phygital platforms, hubs for products and services.

96% of people under 30 expect a brand to contribute to common good

Our expertise


Positive-impact stores and hybridization on the agenda

Over the past century, the retail industry has undergone three significant revolutions: the department store at the end of the 19th century, the superstore in the 1960s, and today's e-commerce trend. In mature markets, e-commerce is now a key driver of growth. The dematerialization of buying patterns is accelerating the transformation of goods and media consumption and the associated intermediation methods. This underscores the need for distributors and retailers to reinvent their strategic models.


Our projects with brands and specialized distribution chains

For over 20 years, we have been the leading support for brands and retailers in their strategic, operational, managerial and cultural transformations. This is Groupe Kéa's historic sector, a lab of innovation at the heart of our research and development work.

We address issues of development, competitiveness and organization head-on. We work on all the growth drivers, such as concept development and brand strategy, offering and marketing issues, as well as brand strategy and management. We also cover all aspects of sales efficiency and productivity, supply chain and information systems performance.

Improving the customer experience of a B to B brand

Our client wanted to differentiate itself in a dynamic market where price and availability are key. We helped them do this by improving the B2B customer experience. We made the customer the focus of the approach, moving from understanding irritants to testing in real conditions in agencies. We also co-designed agile marketing solutions.

Turnaround and transformation of an equipment brand

Kea provided General Management and its COO with the tools to swiftly resolve strategic challenges, construct a three-year budget, establish a foundation for recovery, and facilitate transformation through the process of building and then leading governance and operational routines. We also managed the interim resources (temporarily overseeing construction sites) and provided coaching to the newly installed COO.

The global economy is facing a crisis of unprecedented severity compared to that of 2008-2009. This is the second time since the turn of the millennium that we have faced such a crisis. The impact of the pandemic is immense and has far-reaching consequences for the fashion industry.


  • No player will be spared its deep and far-reaching consequences, regardless of their business model or price positioning. Beyond the significant drop in sales, it is evident that new paradigms are emerging for both consumers and brands. Some will amplify existing behaviors, while others will break with traditional practices.

With the exception of 2017, a continuous decline in turnover since 2009 in textiles and clothing


The ways and means of reinventing a sector already marked by profound changes before the COVID-19 crisis

Our projects with fashion brands

We tackle three key fashion issues with CEOs:

  • We help fashion companies reinvent the link with the consumer. We help fashion players innovate in terms of products and value proposition, develop new purchasing triggers, and design new customer experiences.

  • We fuel future growth. We reinvent business models, integrate retail changes into distribution strategies, and drive tomorrow's value chains.

  • We preserve and develop corporate assets. We support companies in preserving and developing their industrial assets and industry know-how, ensuring flawless compliance and social responsibility, and developing innovative methods for managing talent and developing skills.

The new economic models of fashion

A study co-signed with the Institut Français de la Mode

Relocation & sustainable fashion

Report of the ministerial mission co-led by Kea & Partners

Redefining the merchandise model for a chain of stores

Kéa transformed the merchandise model of this chain of stores by focusing on four key areas: brand positioning and style platform, CSR positioning and strategy, collection structure and breadth of the offer, and the calendar of the offer. This mission enabled us to significantly enhance the performance of the collections by operationalizing a more virtuous merchandise model.

10-year vision project for a textile player

Kéa fully supported the definition of its client's 10-year vision, based on the strategic dialogue approach with COMEX, ambassadors, all employees, and external partners. This included work on inspiring macro-trends, confrontation of strategic scenarios, semiology, cultural diagnosis, and a customer value-focused business plan.



La Supply Chain, moteur de la souveraineté

La Supply Chain, moteur de la souveraineté



Transition climatique : l'entreprise en actions

Transition climatique : l'entreprise en actions



[REPLAYS] La COP27 en actions concrètes pour l'entreprise

[REPLAYS] La COP27 en actions concrètes pour l'entreprise



La donnée, atout clé des Marques & Enseignes pour optimiser les stocks résiduels

La donnée, atout clé des Marques & Enseignes pour optimiser les stocks résiduels



Après 2 années de pandémie, les choses ont-elles bougé dans l’industrie de la mode ?

Après 2 années de pandémie, les choses ont-elles bougé dans l’industrie de la mode ?



Retail : inventer l'enseigne responsable de demain

Retail : inventer l'enseigne responsable de demain



La Supply Chain, moteur de la souveraineté

La Supply Chain, moteur de la souveraineté



Transition climatique : l'entreprise en actions

Transition climatique : l'entreprise en actions



[REPLAYS] La COP27 en actions concrètes pour l'entreprise

[REPLAYS] La COP27 en actions concrètes pour l'entreprise



La donnée, atout clé des Marques & Enseignes pour optimiser les stocks résiduels

La donnée, atout clé des Marques & Enseignes pour optimiser les stocks résiduels



Après 2 années de pandémie, les choses ont-elles bougé dans l’industrie de la mode ?

Après 2 années de pandémie, les choses ont-elles bougé dans l’industrie de la mode ?



Retail : inventer l'enseigne responsable de demain

Retail : inventer l'enseigne responsable de demain


  • Further investment in the store, with changes in processes and the role of employees and middle management.

  • The acceleration of innovative approaches, to stay a step ahead of the game and able to pivot swiftly to meet changing consumer demands.

  • No player was prepared for such a crisis. This crisis accentuate performance disparities between players, with a risk of downgrading for all. The most fragile are entering a dangerous zone, while the most powerful are entering a zone of heightened vigilance, but also of new opportunities. After emergency management to ensure the continuity and maintenance of the vital functions of companies in the sector, it's time for strategy and anticipation of the changes underway.

With markets running out of steam, new entrants, price wars, the dilutive impact of e-commerce, and new consumer trends, it is more important than ever for retailers to have robust strategies and sound economic fundamentals. The future is bright for those who initiate and accelerate ambitious and inspiring transformations.

There are four areas of exploration open to all:

  • Sustainable and responsible transformation, with a focus on preserving value chains and the common good, which requires a change in corporate culture.

  • Digital transformation, with the need for brands to go even further in acquiring new clients and building customer loyalty, with growth taking place " beyond the walls ".


30% of current tasks automated in 10 years


Short term versus long term: never give up!

Their role changes as they do. They make their own products and recipes, own their technology, and are independent. The word "chain" is important. We must work together to combine CSR, affordability, and economic sustainability. Measuring, sharing, and arbitrating are also part of the positive impact. There are no rules for this yet. Many players are trying new things. Our banners must work with others and help each other. This should be part of their plans. Some companies are starting industry initiatives, like Open Agrifood, La Note Globale, and Numalim. These often start at the national level. Companies in each area should join together to find solutions. Kéa also supports new ideas to help the agricultural and food industries grow.

A food chain transformation program

Our client required a review of its core business fundamentals to ensure alignment with its growth strategy. We supported the development of a transformation program to facilitate a review of its store information system, organizational structure, particularly supply management, and governance.

Cultural transformation of a general food brand

In light of a change in management, our client sought a partner to shape the culture of the head office and stores. Leveraging our approach that integrates strategic vision, operational performance, and cultural insights, we developed a program to guide this transformation over time. This program encompasses a comprehensive set of tools and resources, from the management committee to the cashier, to facilitate the implementation of these changes.

Our projects with food distribution brands

We support food chain managers with in-depth knowledge of the food chain - "from farm to fork". Our range of expertise is wide, including:  :

  • Redesign of economic models

  • Cultural transformation

  • Supply chain optimization

  • Activation of data potential

  • The responsible brand

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